The only constant is the law of change. We award contracts with the intent of not needing to change them, but things happen. Government contracts are awarded in the real world where situations change, circumstances change and life happens.

These changes can impact performance of a contract in ways that create an imbalance between what the contractor is doing and what the government is paying for them to do it. One of the ways to reestablish a balance is for one side to request an adjustment in price to align the adjustment in work. That request is often referred to as a “Request for Equitable Adjustment” (REA).

In this episode, Angela Jacobs from the Skyway Team joins Kevin to dig into the why, how and what of REAs. Angela’s super power is working through contract management puzzles like REAs.  She sheds some light on what can make an REAs a thorny experience, and what to do to make them less so.